
Feeling of Security

When great expectations and stressful responsibilities are accompanied by difficult challenges, the feeling of uncertainty is not far away. We often are our own worst critic. While our friends and peers try to reassure us with statements like: “But you will do well.”, that rarely helps to silence the nagging doubts within. But the feeling of security is essential in order to be able to act in complex and trying settings.



In difficult situations the shift to different perspectives offers valuable information. Both the view from a different angle and the view with different eyes onto the same scenery provides completely new insights. The change of perspective doesn’t imply that we agree with that view. The change of perspective doesn’t automatically include any concession. Changes of perspective deliver a solid foundation for excellent decision making.



Often enough we feel the need to act immediately. To pause feels like one isn’t up to the issue. Yet few complex situations have simple solutions that actually work. In difficult situations we need an approach with specific characteristics. It must be easy to apply, it must be able to cope with complexity, and it must lead to excellent results.

Dr. Till Neunhöffer

"I show people in complex, conflicting, and difficult situations an easily accessible way
to live up to their pressures of expectation and responsibility."

Die Methode von Dr. Till Neunhöffer

Enter the GAP

Enter the GAP is a procedure and mindset model designed to pragmatically solve challenging situations. That especially includes cases with complexity either on the human side, or the side of the system’s dynamic, or both. When a situation is reasonably challenging, the direct search for a solution often enough fails.

The key invitation is to enter a gap: between problem and solution, between question and answer. Enter: the GAP. This gap corresponds to the space required to run a useful, creative, efficient, intelligent problem-solution process. The Enter the GAP process is supported by the corresponding mindset. This can be learned fast and effectively through the special combination of conceptual approach and embodiment (Aikido Mindset Training). 

The Enter the GAP model combines the successful approaches of mediation, generative and hypno-systemic coaching, natural and neurosciences, embodiment, the martial art of aikido and modern effectiveness research.

The benefits of a method, that can take both the human and the content-related side into account, are obvious:

To learn more about the approach, visit .

Or contact me directly.


About Dr. Till Neunhöffer

Dr. Till Neunhöffer is a speaker, coach and trainer in the field of collaboration, leadership, conflict resolution and goal achievement. Till holds a Ph.D in Astro-Particle Physics and a Master’s Degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution. He believes in life-long learning and has trained in several coaching approaches in Germany, Europe, and the US. Till holds a 4th degree black belt in Aikido.

After many years in leadership positions in the telecommunication industry, Till turned his attention to the question “how to effectively reach goals in a collaborative manner.” Till combines the perspectives of a natural scientist, an experienced business person, a mediator, a coach, and a martial artist, into a colorful mix of analytical, intuitive, and embodied views. His vision is to establish a systematic approach that transforms conflicts into innovative change.

"Problems are solutions in their pyjamas"

together for success

Success Stories

Here you will find success stories of my clients.

My name is René Schuppert and I work for Lufthansa German Airlines. Initially I have consulted Till's help to finally finish my studies, because I was struggling to proceed and to face the final examinations. After coaching with Till and visiting his seminars, I finished my studies without hesitation. I learned the tactics and the systematics of how to face a problem without any sign of panicand now I am getting a Ph.D. in the field's of my studies.
René Schuppert
Lufthansa German Airlines
I am Anja Gockel, a fashion designer of the year in Germany. I became a huge fan of Till and his methods. The aikido mindset training is a completely new way of dealing with problems in our everyday life. In a harmonious and straight way you can develop your business and to develop your team. I would recommend Till because it gives you a new perspective on so many things that your life completely changes.
Anja Gockel
Fashion Designer
I am MRR, specialist lawyer for building law, arbitrator and founder of Bauglück GmbH. I met Till by chance and it was a gift. Since I have known Till, I approach questions in a different way. I have learned to pause in order to arrive at my answers, which are often in a completely different than expected. I can really recommend working with Till. He takes you a big step forward and enables you to reassess things and approach them in a new manner. A unique experience for me that I would not want to miss.
Manuela Reibold Rolinger
Lawyer, Arbitrator, Entrepreneur

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Your benefit through our


Solving complex problems

"Clients who come to me are often stuck in situations for which they see no solution on their own - be it problems, conflicts or other challenges. I accompany them so that they can resolve these situations.

Increasing problem and conflict resolution competence

"Clients who work with me for a while make my approaches and methods their own. This enables them more and more to solve their own problems and conflicts - and to contribute to solutions in their environment (e.g. in their leadership role).

Comfortable outside the comfort zone

Working together changes attitudes towards problematic, conflicting and complex situations. They start to become more interesting. Thus, it suddenly feels much more pleasant when you are outside your comfort zone.

Lectures, Seminars and Workshops




Vortrag Enter the Gap
Kongress: Arbeitgeber-Forum

Datum: 19. September 2024
Ort: Adendorf / Lüneburg
Dauer: 1 h
Language: German
Anbieter: Arbeitgeber Verband Lüneburg-Nordostniedersachsen e.V.

Workshops / Conferences

Enter the Gap – Embodiment: Hypnosystemisches Aikido
Kongress: Reden Reicht Nicht?!

Datum: 01. – 04. Mai 2025
Ort: Würzburg
Dauer: 3h (Workshop)
Language: German
Anbieter: Trenkle Organisation GmbH

Training Program

More information coming soon


Mediations-informiertes Coaching, Beratung und Organisationsentwicklung – das Enter the Gap Modell
Das Enter the Gap Modell

Date: 28. & 29. August 2024
Location: Mainz
Duration: 2 Tage
Language: German
Organizer: Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung

Hero`s Journey Programm
Pod in Mainz

Datum: 06. – 08. September 2024
Ort: Mainz – Online verbunden mit Athen
Dauer: 3 Tage
Sprache: Englisch & Deutsch
Anbieter: nlp greece

Aikido Mindset-Training nach Enter the Gap
Aikido Mindset Training

Datum: 07. & 08. November 2024
Location: Mainz
Duration: 1,5 Tage
Language: German
Anbieter: Berufsförderungswerk Mainz

Embodiment nach Enter the Gap – Hypnosystemisches Aikido
Aikido Mindset Training

Datum: 12. & 13. November 2024
Location: Mainz
Duration: 2 Tage
Language: German
Organizer: Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung

Aikido Mindset-Training nach Enter the Gap
Aikido Mindset Training

Datum: 08. & 09. Mai 2025
Location: Mainz
Duration: 1,5 Tage
Language: German
Anbieter: Berufsförderungswerk Mainz

Hypnosystemisches Aikido – Embodiment im Raum zwischen Problem und Lösung
Metaforum Sommercamp

Datum: 28. Juli – 01. August 2025
Location: Abano Therme, Italien
Dauer: 5 Tage
Language: German
Anbieter: Metaforum Sommercamp


Generative Coaching Certification Program
Virtual Training

Datum: zwischen Oktober 2024 und Februar 2025 4 Module von verschiedenen Trainer*Innen – Modul 2 gemeinsam mit Dan Oil vom 12. – 15. Dezember 2024
Ort: Online
Dauer: 4 Tage
Language: English
Trainer: Dan Oil, Dr. Till Neunhöffer
Anbieter: IAGC

Enter the GAP (Geh in die Lücke)
Die erste Begegnung von Enter the Gap und Neue Autorität

Datum: 2025, genaues Datum folgt
Location: Bramsche-Kalkriese
Duration: 2 Tage
Language: German
Trainer: Martin Lemme und Dr. Till Neunhöffer
Organizer: Systemisches Institut für Neue Autorität

vergangene events

Leadership Embodiment Level I
Be your best self – even under pressure

Datum: 01. & 02. März 2024
Location: Düsseldorf
Duration: 2 Tage
Language: English
Trainer: Anouk Brack, Dr Till Neunhöffer (assistant)
Organizer: Competence

Workshop: Enter the Gap Embodiment – Aikido Mindset Training
Congress: Netzwerkfachtagung: Neue Wege im Coaching

Datum: 07. März 2024
Location: Mainz
Duration: 1,5 h / 1 day
Language: German
Organizer: Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung der Uni Mainz

Hypnosystemisches Aikido
Das Fröhliche Ringen mit der Realität

Date: 29. & 30. April 2024 
Location: Heidelberg
Duration: 1,5 Tage
Language: German
Organizer: Milton-Eriksson-Institut Heidelberg

Hypnosystemisches Aikido
Congress: Hypnotage Wien – Grenzen überwinden

Datum: 19. Mai 2024
Location: Vienna, Austria
Duration: 1,5 h
Language: German
Organizer: Milton Erickson Gesellschaft für Klinische Hypnose und Kurzzeittherapie, Austria (MEGA)

Keynote Enter the Gap
Online Kongress: Dialog Zukunft

Datum: 01. Juni 2024
Ort: Digital im Raum Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Dauer: 2h
Language: German
Anbieter: InKonstellation

Hypnosystemisches Aikido – das freudige Ringen mit der (inneren) Realität 
Congress: Tag der Vielfalt – Giornata della Diversità

Datum: 27. Juli 2024
Location: Abano Therme, Italien
Duration: 1,5 h
Language: German
Anbieter: Metaforum Sommercamp 2024

More dates will follow...



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Das Stärken-Coaching ist ein Online-Angebot. Es kann auch teilweise oder ganz als Präsenz-Coaching durchgeführt werden.

WingwaveⓇ Online Coach (Besser-Siegmund Institut)

WingwaveⓇ Coach (Besser-Siegmund Institut)

Wirtschaftsmediatorin (IHK)

Mediatorin (BM e.V.)

ProfilPASS-Beraterin (DIE)

Konflikt- und Mobbingberaterin (Konflikthotline BW e.V. für Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz)

NLP-Master (DVNLP)


Fachkauffrau Büromanagement (IHK) 

staatlich anerkannte Erzieherin

  • Das Coaching geht in der Regel 12 Wochen, ist aber abhängig davon, wie effektiv wir miteinander arbeiten können. 4 Wochen nach Abschluss des Coachings ist ein weiterer Termin geplant, an welchem wir sehen können, ob du deine Vision bereits erfolgreich umsetzen konntest und welche Hilfe du gegebenenfalls noch benötigst. 

Ja, bei unserem ersten Kennenlerngespräch fallen keine Kosten für dich an. Hier geht es darum herauszufinden ob es auf beiden Seiten passt.

Nein, auf gar keinen Fall. Wenn du tiefgreifende Probleme hast, die zwingend eine Therapie erfordern, kann das Coaching ergänzend wirken, aber keine Therapie ersetzen.


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